Nursery (0-2 years)
Sundays @ 10:30am in Nursery
Your baby or toddler will be in loving hands as you attend service in peace.
All of our volunteers are trained and background checked and ready to help you enjoy time with God and others. Please sign your child(ren) in the computer before bringing them to their room.
Preschool (3-5 years old)
Sundays @ 9:30AM and
Jr Worship @ 10:30am in Preschool Room
Potty-trained preschoolers will have a lesson and a snack, and lots of fun! They will then stay for their own worship service at 10:30am! Please sign your child(ren) in the computer before bringing them to their room.
K – 4th Grades
Sundays @ 9:30AM and
Jr Worship @ 10:30am in Elementary Room
Students in KidsPointe will have a lesson and a snack, and lots of fun! They will then stay for their own worship service at 10:30am! Please sign your child(ren) in the computer before bringing them to their room.
KidsPointe Events

Register Online Here!
KidsPointe Challenge!
Biography ideas:
Barton W. Stone, Alexander Campbell, C.S. Lewis, Corie Ten Boom, Tim Tebow, Florence Nightingale.
Prayer Jar Inspiration:
Option 1 or Option 2
Christian Fiction Ideas:
Chronicles of Narnia, The Dead Sea Squirrels, The Sugar Creek Gang, Adventures in Odyssey, The Wingfeather Saga